Pre-2000's Publications (some downloads available)
Pre-2000’s Papers from CUNY, Naylor-Dana, Celanese, and Perkin-Elmer in environmental, bioscience, polymer, and food analysis.
This is a listing of some of my older publications.
Graduate School (City U. of New York, Graduate Center, New York City Air Resources)
M. W. Dong, D. C. Locke, and E. Ferrand, HPLC method for routine analysis of major parent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in suspended particulate matter, Anal. Chem. 48(2). 368-372, 1976. (My first and the only paper published in Analytical Chemistry, My graduate research was on the analysis of PAHs and Azaarenes in air particulate and tobacco smoke).
M. W. Dong, D. C. Locke, and D. Hoffmann, Characterization of Aza-arenes in basic organic portion of suspended particulate matter, Env. Sci. & Technol., 11, 612-618, 1977.(I applied for an NIH research grant to NIEHS and received approval and funding for $90K, though I left the Naylor Dana Institute shortly afterward and never executed this research on Quinolines toxicology and environmental significance).
M. W. Dong, D. Hoffmann, D. C. Locke, and E. Ferrand, The occurrence of caffeine in the air of New York City, Atmos. Environ. 11, 651-653, 1977. (Interesting discovery of caffeine in NYC air particulate mostly from coffee roasters - it was not a fluke or fake news. Dr. Ferrand was the NYC's Air Resource Chief at that time).
American Health Foundation, Naylor-Dana Institute (Summer intern and post-doc)
D. Hoffmann, M. W. Dong, and S. S. Hecht, Origin in tobacco smoke
N’-Nitrosonornicotine, a tobacco-specific carcinogen, J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 58(6), 1841-44, 1977. (Dr. Hoffmann was my mentor as a summer intern and taught me a few things about research almost as much as my regular mentor Dr. Locke).
M. W. Dong, I. Schmeltz, E. Jacobs and D. Hoffmann, Aza-Arenes in Tobacco Smoke, J. Anal. Toxicol. 2 (5), 21-25, 1978.
Celanese Research Company (Research Chemist)
M. W. Dong. Novel Applications for Headspace GC. Chromatographia 8, 447-451, 1981.
M. W. Dong, A.H. DiEdwardo, and F. Zitomer, Determination of Residual Acetaldehyde in PET Bottles and Resins by Automated Headspace Analysis. J. Chromatogr. Sci. 18, 242-246, 1980. (I supported the routine analysis of acetaldehyde in PET bottle resin with 8000+ routine analysis a year).
Perkin-Elmer (Sr. Applications Chemist and Sr. Staff Scientist)
Fast LC
J. L. DiCesare, M. W. Dong, and J. S. Ettre, Very-high-speed LC: The system and selected applications, Chromatographia, 14 (5), 257-268, 1981.
(Joe DiCesare was my supervisor at PE and a great biochemist and researcher).
J.L. DiCesare, M. W. Dong, and J.G. Atwood. Very-High-Speed LC II: Some Instrumental Factors Influencing Performance. J. Chromatogr. 217, 369-386, 1981.
J. L. DiCesare, M. W. Dong, and J. R. Gant, Influence of injector bypass on lifetime of small-particle LC columns, Chromatographia, 15 (9), 595-598, 1982.
M. W. Dong and J.R. Gant, Short-Three-Micron Columns: Applications in High-Speed Liquid Chromatography, LC Mag. 2 (4), 294- 302, 1984. (My second paper published in LCGC which chronicled some of the most advanced applications of Fast LC)
M. W. Dong, J.R. Gant, and P. A. Perrone, Guard, and Scavenger Columns: Extending the lifetime of LC columns, LC Mag. 3 (9), 786-793, 1985.
Z.A Grosser, J. F. Ryan, and M. W. Dong, Environmental Chromatographic Methods, and Regulations in the United States of America. J. Chromatogr. 642, 75-87, 1993.
M. W. Dong, J.X. Duggan, and S. Stefanou. A Quick Turnaround HPLC Method for Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soil, Water, and Waste Oil, LC.GC 11 (11), 802-810, 1993. (I reduced the analysis time of PAHs including sample preparation from days to a few hours.)
M. W. Dong and D.C. Hockman, Automated Dissolution Analysis by Liquid Chromatography. Pharm. Technol. 11(3), 70-82, 1987.
M. W. Dong and J.L. DiCesare. Improved Separation of Natural Oil Triglycerides Using Columns Packed with 3-mm Particles. J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc. 60, 788-791, 1983. (I performed one day of experimentation and wrote the paper in one day. Acceptance was received in 2 weeks. Those were the hay days of HPLC when it was easier to publish for industry-chemists.)
M. W. Dong. And J. L. Pace, A rapid HPLC method for multivitamin analysis, LC.GC 14(9), 794-803, 1995.
M. W. Dong, J. Lepore, and T. Tarumoto, Factor affecting the ion-pair chromatography of water-soluble vitamins, J. Chromatogr. 442,81-95, 1988.
M. W. Dong. HPLC Analysis of Organic Acids in Juice and Wine Using Resin and Reversed-Phase Columns, LC.GC 16 (12), 1092-1097, 1998.
M. W. Dong. How hot is that pepper? Today’s Chemist at Work, 9(5), 17-20, 2000.(This was my first writing gig of TCAW and ACS publication which I received a nice stipend. Unfortunately, this very nice trade journal was discontinued.)
M. W. Dong and J. L. DiCesare, Amino acid analysis by HPLC: an overview of six methods, LC 1(4), 222 -228, 1983. (My first paper published in LC GC).
M. W. Dong, J.R. Gant, and B. Larsen. Advances in Fast Reversed-phase Chromatography of Proteins. BioChromatogr. 4(1), 19-34, 1989. (My first paper on protein separations).
E. Katz and M. W. Dong. Rapid Analysis and Purification of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Products. BioTechniques 8(5), 546-555, 1990.
M. W. Dong and A. D. Tran, Factors influencing the performance of peptide mapping by RPLC, J. Chromatogr. 499, 125-139, 1990.
M. W. Dong, Tryptic Mapping by Reversed-phase Liquid Chromatography. In "Advances in Chromatography, Vol. 32," P. Brown (Ed), Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 21-51, 1992.
W.M. Reuter, M. W. Dong, and J. McConville. A System for High-Performance Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC). Amer. Lab. 23(5), 45-58, 1991.
M. W. Dong, R.D. Conlon, and A. F. Poile. Developing Rugged LC Methods using an Automated Solvent Optimization System. Amer. Lab. 20(5), 50-59, and 20(6), 50-58, 1988.(I wrote about 10 papers for Amer. Lab.)
M. W. Dong, L.C. Lauman, D.P. Mowry, M. Canales, and M. E. Arnold, A Windows-based HPLC System. Amer. Lab. 25(14), 37-45, 1993.
Others (Purdue Pharma, Synomics Pharma Services) after 2000
M. W. Dong, G. Miller, and R. Paul, MS-compatible ICH impurity analysis with a high-pH mobile phase: Advantages and pitfalls, J. Chromatogr. 987, 283-290, 2003.
(My last published paper in J. Chromatogr.)
M. W. Dong. Ultra-high-pressure LC in pharmaceutical analysis: Performance and practical issues, LC.GC 25(7), 656-666, 2007. M. W. Dong. Ultra-high-pressure LC in pharmaceutical analysis: Performance and practical issues. LC.GC 25(7), 656-666, 2007.

